Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Honesty Is The Currency Of Love

"Honesty is the currency of love." What do you think about that?  I have a few thoughts swirling around at the thought of it. How true, simple yes.Simple I believe is really the way of life as it makes sense and makes life less complicated. By that I mean, why run around in a world of delusion when you have a choice (in most circumstances) to change that behaviour pattern. I know because the only reason I can share my feelings with you is from experiencing them myself. I thought delusion was a huge psychological quagmire, quicksand and quarantine. It can be, I assure you. Alas then I saw my shrink, who shall remain anonymous- he explained delusion in detail as I took rapid notes. He explained delusion was like seeing a part of the picture  (aka experience) and guessing  its outcome guessing the steps  leading to it.  Never  knowing the details of what and how it happened. A bit like only knowing part of the story say- a constant we struggle with daily.Alas the delusion for me was trying to fill in the blanks w/ out knowing what really happened, having to surmise. It would eat me alive wondering the who arts and how longs, IT HAS A WAY OF MAKING YOU SPIN, REELING OUT OF CONTROL, obsessing over figuring out what happened, how it could be. It is a painful wounded feeling, never satiated it will grab you by the short and curlies and take you over if you let it. The positive reality is  not letting delusion have power over you by refusing to let it. We humans cause much of our grief in needing  answers  to all of our suspicions. I have  managed to get delusion under control by NOT trying to figure the unanswerable out. I was so curious to attain answers much  like a cop doing an interrogation. Conquering delusions of jealousy, guilt or any issue is not easily done, its a continual mental exercise  and after time it gets easier. Start by facing the fact: that some things we shall never find answers to,  embracing that is quite liberating and always helps me. Okay now this leads to the title of my blog- honesty is the currency of love- its a price you pay, its a reasonable thing you could practice in relationships  I do. Sometimes, to  the point of discomfort- because I truly would like it practiced w/ me. I have cheated in a relationships, and have told the truth-  not because I was in a bind or that person would find out. Different reasons compelled me- one, I could not live a lie, two, if this person could not or did not want to accept what happened they now have the choice to leave. I know if you have read my other blogs I  have been cheated on, never being told the truth, fear and insecurity where left growing, an open wound when I only wanted the truth. My heart and soul said I should trust my intuitions, yet being told I was a fool when I asked him only led to no longer trusting my intuition. Finally, two years later the truth came out (not of his own volition) it my world turned upside down. I did not know if it was my intuition, or  a crippling new fear (made of dishonesty) and it was just blinding me. It was all very cheap, I suddenly felt short changed, I need my instinctual intuition is as neccesary as a limb. I thought if honesty is the currency of love that I was indeed short changed! If I had been told the truth when I suspected it, I suspect I would have left So, what have I to share w/ you?Be honest, even when it hurts and may not suit you. Not because you have to, but because you want and need to- for that is what you  would prefer others  do for you. The more you respect  yourself  the less you can accept anything else


  1. Truth in relationships? This is the ideal that, with gentleness, can be walked towards. That is, honesty in all our "affairs". More specifically, I have made a commitment (in relationships) to be faithful, not to cheat. I have cheated and been cheated on. How do these situations arise? There is always a point at which honesty fails. Self-honesty fails regarding the motivation for the cheat; rationalization, excuses, justification, blaming the other etc. Then the cover-up (which is only done out of fear, self-seeking, selfishness, lack of consideration for the other).

    The bottom line is: A contract was made. A contract was broken. The other person deserves to know, otherwise the "relationship" is a fraud, based on false pretenses. It is like buying candy at the candy store and thinking it is okay to pay for it with counterfeit money - if they don't find out, they don't suffer, right? It's a sham and a miserable way to live (I have discovered).

    Rodney Hatch, 21 July 2010.

  2. I may not always get the truth (from others).
    That is the truth, the state of play. Do I accept it? I must be my own truth.

    My desires, assumptions, expectations, DEMANDS, for the world (and all the precious beings in it) to be as I want it / them to be equates to my hurt, pain, suffering.

    Honesty means being OPEN to my own truth, the true nature of reality, the human condition. Be OPEN - resistance is futile!

    Gentleness, compassion, love begins with an HONEST stocktake:
    "I am no more than this...
    I am no less than that..."
    and I arrive at HUMILITY.
    From honesty and humility there has been (for me) a natural arising of love in a way I never had it before. Selfless, unconditional love.

    Love for those, including myself, who in their cloud of illusion (Web of Maya) lack the selfless courage to BE THEIR OWN TRUTH. I relax, and walk towards my truth...

    I am not all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful and I can't read other minds! I have no control. I can understand and accept this, let go, and LOVE.

    Rodney Hatch, 21 July 2010.

  3. Love is a mystery it is true, but your words you share are no mystery, bare real and beautiful, ahhh... I read what you have shared and I must sigh. Your words are beautiful and true. My love got me through many experiences that hurt coming out more enlightened and all the better to continue on our journey. I once shared my thoughts on this when writing (TIME Pt.2,) If given a choice, I choose to learn from all life's experience, even when I was down and beaten- it was mine and I will NEVER be beaten again! Thank you Rocket!


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