Monday, July 19, 2010

Speak Of Death With Words Of Life

Life and death link each of  our  lives, unlike anything else. We are born into life unknowing and unafraid, babies with bright eyes and hungry mouths. It is our natural instinct to protect and care for these big eyed babies. When we spend time with them we are reminded of our own mortality. We later will grow old, sometimes we will not.Suddenly we are wandering on life's last path. Like the specialness of birth and its vast and clear beauty, there is magic in death. Death is as sacred as it is profound. Death was the catalyst I deem responsible for some of my deepest personal growth. I am  not a religious person,quite the contrary.  God and Bible are being used to harass and discriminate many who do not follow or conform.  Sacred scriptures are for the most part  based solely in  interpretation by said interpreter.  Most of us are afraid to talkof death and would just as soon not. Death is treated as taboo and not spoken about - just like sex and yet both are so necessary for us to not be afraid, or awkward about.. It wasn't long after my AIDS training 101, death and dying courses  when my best friend was grieving the death of her younger brother. He had died in a car accident, and she missed him so much. I decided to ask her  if she ever checked in with him, and she lost it, began to cry and she expressed her need to talk about her brother and how no one would even dare mention him. It was then I came to realize that death is not a topic we feel comfortable with enough to ever engage in insomuch  we  avoid it at all costs. We are fearful of death, we are told and taught that we should be. Some are very full of faith, planning  everything in life around what happens after you die, based in rules and limitations of the earthly world. Which is to say if the only people who are willing to talk about death are ones trying to save your burning soul or make you repent then we have a dangerous imbalance.There is another  way between these two treacherous slopes of fear and faith and that way  is opening up and breaking down your fears. Oftentimes when we avoid speaking about death with this common excuse,(lying to ourselves) -we say things like "What if I get her/him upset, what if I remind them there loved one died and they are hurt?" Think about that- you cannot remind them, they know .In reality we tell ourselves excuses  for ourselves,we may not  see it~ and that is why I share this with you, know you know. Approach life from new places and find new perspectives, no longer accepting what you used to think was right, talk openly of death, support those who need you in a time of grief, speak of death in words of life.

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