Saturday, August 7, 2010

Open Books Need Reading aka "More Study"

Photo:Ian Bryson     
A new time is on the way and I for one am happy for it. It seems like the road to justice is long and a path to understanding is an unending journey.  Oftentimes I challenge myself by thinking outside my own understanding.  My method is like that of a detective,  they piece together  a picture with only few clues. If your belief concept is strong & values purely moral you may need more study; for what is pure and moral to one, is heinous and contrite to another.  If your belief system is based in being completely open and accepting everything equally, you also need more study; for what is open and accepting to one could be considered offensive or harmful to some. Reason for more study on both parts comes down to simple consideration. The pure and moral person need consider why they are judging, when no person should dare to judge another, while the overly open person need consider the needs of others is not answered by simply agreeing with all.  Both need to learn the other side before any debate should ensue, too often I see people fighting over a law/right they no nothing about. The outside of a picture is simple enough, it is deceiving like the cover of a book. Peering into that picture book  takes more effort. Your effort is a doorway leading to real learning,  no longer just judging based  in habit or going with the majority. The deeper we look into whatever our reality may be, the closer we get to shaking its foundations. This is why my steadfast ideology remains "the more I know, that I  do not know,the closer I am to God or true enlightenment"

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